This Christmas was super fun with both of the boys being so excited!! Jayven was excited this year and I think he really understood what it was all about. He actually went to bed great and slept great!! On Christmas Eve we watched the Grinch and played a game that Jayven made in school which was Don't Eat Pete, it was really fun to sit down as a family and play a game. Then we went upstairs and opened out Eve presents which was Pajamas I was able to get the boys matching ones that was fun seeing them match!
Christmas morning we woke up and did presents and took a break to eat breakfast and then went back for some more. Jayven was actually ok with doing that too and it made it feel like it lasted longer!!! I have always had such a hard time with people saying their Christmas is over in a half hour.. Seems so fast for something you wait for for an entire year!! :) We made it last!!
Then we were on the road for our long day of visiting. We started of by going to Aunt Tessie's where we saw Grandma Tammy too. The boys love their auntie and grandma.. They had fun running around and Jayven sat down and told grandma all that he got for his big day.. Then we gave grandma her present and tessie watched and they were super excited about it!! It was fun to see their reactions to it.. (I'll post again and say what it was). When we were done there we headed to Grandpa Troy's house we hung out there for a while and gave grandpa, zach, and britt their presents and then headed to Grandpa Dan's house.. We gave them their gifts and hung out chatting for a while then headed to the Great Grandparents house it was really nice seeing them. It is really hard because they are getting so old but it was really nice seeing them and talking to them.. Sometimes they didn't quite understand what we were saying so Grandma would just laugh and pretend.. It was pretty cute. We went to Great Grandma Sue's house after that where Grandma Michele was and they boys got to visit. We enjoyed a great Christmas dinner and visited with cousins, aunts, uncles. My family is growing so much it is hard to get everyone together but when we do it is total chaos and fun!! I wouldn't have it any other way!! My Grandma told us on Thanksgiving how grateful she is that our family has grown so much and is as close together as it is, and I couldn't agree more. It is great to have so many of us and its just getting bigger there will be 3 more great grand kids in the family this year!!
We ended our night visiting with Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Ash, we haven't seen them for a long time so we made the effort to go and visit them in Santiquin which from our house is like we live on totally opposite ends of UT. We were really happy to see them and Jayven enjoyed himself running around wild.. We got into the car and not 5 minutes later both the boys were fast asleep. Such a long busy day but a great one at that!!!
I didn't get many pictures but here are a few that I did get!!
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