#1 Where did you meet your husband?
James and I met country dancing with a mutual friend at the time! It was when I was in 7th grade and then we kinda lost contact. But we met up again when I was hanging out with his older brother! =)
#2 How long did you date before you got married?
We dated for 2 1/2 years. And were engaged for about 2 years..

#3 How long have you been married?
3 Years, 6 Months, 2 Weeks, and 6 days! To be exact!! =)

#4 What does he do that surprises you?
He comes home early and that surprises me. But he used to get me flowers and leave me messages that were so sweet! Hasn't done that in a while though.. :(
#5 What is your favorite feature of his?
I love his eyes! They are so blue... I also like the fact that he has brown hair and blue eyes I have always loved that...

#6 What is your favorite quality?
My favorite quality about James is that he is so outgoing.. Sometimes too outgoing, I can only handle so much after going, going, going with a two year old... Also that he loves to help others..

#7 Does he have any nicknames for you?
Lynds, sometimes babe, and sweetie.. Just depends on what he wants! ;)
#8 What is his favorite food?
I would have to say he loves sloppy joes and I am not a huge fan so I am sorry but I don't make them very often..
#9 What is his favorite sport?
Ummm... He doesn't really like sports.. I would have to say that he enjoys to go bowling, and he does like to throw a football sometimes, and I have seen him kick a soccer ball just to try and show that he might be better than me.. I could take him though!! :)

#10 When and where did you first kiss?
Our first kiss was on the 4th of July at Grandma Dowdings house, which is no longer there. It was up on a hill in south orem and it looked over the valley of BYU so we were watching the fire works.. It was actually our first date!!
#11 What is your favorite thing to do as a couple?
We love to go camping be outdoors and be with Jayven..

#12 Do you have any kids?
Yes, Jayven Troy. He is almost 2 years old...

#13 Does he have any hidden talents?
I don't think they are hidden, but he sure does know how to fix something.. If you ask him how to do something on a car he can do it, fix something in your house, he will find a way to fix it.. I call him the handy man!!
#14 How old is he?
24 years young!! :)
#15 Who said "I love you" first?
James said it first but I said it right back!
#16 What's his favorite kind of music?
He likes all kinds.. Oldies and rock are probably his favorite!

#17 What do you admire most about him?
Well, lets just say that we have gone through some rough times, like I think everyone does to some extent and I would have to say that I admire him for stepping forward and working on things with me. It has been great being able to say what we need to say and not getting mad! I love James, even threw the rough times!! I also admire that he has taken responsibility in the Elders Quorum at church. I never thought that would happen!!
#18 What is his favorite past time?
I would definitely have to say us being in Virginia is a great memory, and even living in California.

#19 Will he read this?
He will eventually read it, I don't think he checks the blog regularly but, since he knows that I am writing about him he might check it soon! =) I love you James!!
#20 Who do you tag?
I tag Becky, Kayci, and Cece.. Also anyone else who wants to do it!! It was actually a fun tag!!